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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Do you start a blog or website?

If you don't understand well what is said in this make money blog, it's because I didn't explain well, so please ask a question in the comments!

how to start a blogHow to start a blog: try blogger or blogspot: like this blog: it takes a few minutes to get started and a few decades to finish :)

If you have no real idea what you are going to write about, and you have not a clue what HTML is all about, then you have the 2 best reasons for starting a blog. The blog software will organize the blog for you, no HTML needed. Of course, if you want to go deeper, then both website and blog needs some HTML knowledge. But it is fun to start a blog just like that!

For our regular blog visitors: Read more about why to choose a blog in Step 8 of the SEO course at: Ranking high on search engine

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How to rank high fast in the search engine?

The fastest way to rank high in the search engine is ranking for a keyword-phrase nobody has taken yet. Now chance is big that nobody is looking for that keyword-phrase, so except for bragging rights, "fast" has no meaning here.

search engine spiderMore realistic is to rank high fast for keyword-phrases "not too many" people are looking for.

Another way to rank high first is to feed the Search Engine spiders what they like (which is good content, and lots of it), and don't feed the spiders what they don't like (the so called spamming the search engine)

For our regular blog visitors: Read more about how to please the spiders in Step 7 of the SEO course at: Ranking high on search engine

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Who are your website visitors?

In any conversation it is important to know who you are talking to. With your website you are talking to your website visitors. It is said; you need to think like your visitors in order to gain the most success with your website.

website visitorsThe easiest way is acting as a visitor yourself, yet this is not a very accurate way to do so. Asking your friends and family-members to have a look at your site could give you more ideas. But best thing is: ask your web-page visitors who they are!

For our regular blog visitors: Read more about how to know your website visitors in Step 6 of the SEO course at: Ranking high on search engine

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